Welcome to ENDTIME MESSAGE MINISTRY a Community Service outreach ministry located in the heart of the city, with the city in its heart.
We at EMM fully understand the exemplary teachings of Jesus Christ, and with this foundational awareness, we are spiritually led to develop an outreach ministry to reach the community in Brooklyn, NY.

Elder Albert Hutchinson

Elder Anston Roberts
Our mission is to reflect the character of God. As we initiate changes in the lives of individuals, by addressing their emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual needs, we are reminded of Jesus words found in Matthew 25:40: ”inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” This is our guide for creating relationships.
Through this Ministry we are determined to foster our primary goal, which is helping people in need with no regards to race, religion, or denominational affiliation. More than this, we introduce them to Jesus, “the desire of the ages.”
As you surf our website, may the Holy Spirit give you the rich experience of knowing Jesus and His wondrous work of salvation for YOU.