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Ministry Partners

Through the years, many have helped us take this Ministry to a higher level. It is your prayers, your love and your support that have allowed us to fulfill our main mission “inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”  We need your continued support in these times. Many in our communities have been blessed by your giving, which cuts through all barriers.

Today, we are  challenged to increase our outreach efforts.  We are challenged to do more for the cause… more math tutoring, more bread distribution, more food distribution, more evangelistic efforts to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Come be a partner in spreading the Good News.  Only eternity will tell of the magnitude of your gift.  We are relying on the Lord to move upon His people’s heart to support this ministry.  Come be a partner with us.

There are three easy ways to donate.

1. Make an instant donation using Paypal:

2. Send a check or money order to:

Endtime Message Ministry
4015 Church Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11203

3. In-kind donations:

To donate food, supplies, vehicles, services, or investment shares, or to set up automatic monthly debit donations, please contact us directly at [email protected] or using our Contact Form.

Endtime Message Ministry is registered in the State of New York, EIN 76-0845806, as a non-profit organization.

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